In its criminal endeavour to destabilise Africa, and specifically the Great Lakes Region, the regime of Paul Kagame’s Rwandan Patriotic Front – RPF Inkotanyi has always blamed its crimes on the Democratic Liberation
Forces of Rwanda (FDLR) by perpetuating a gross confusion that cannot continue indefinitely.
For nearly three decades, the clique of criminals who have held the reins of Rwanda with an iron fist have enjoyed a reputation as the good guys, when in fact they are nothing more than a dark and cynical force whose
actions are the result of a premeditated scheme of hatred, lucre and plunder.
Since the 1990s, when the ex-rebel Rwandan Patriotic Front began its murderous saga against Rwanda, non-governmental organisations and international media have been used to feed the political authorities in power, whose credo had always been harmony between the three ethnic components of the Rwandan population and true peace. This credo was given its highest expression with the signing of the Arusha Peace Agreement in
August 1993, which was stifled as soon as it was launched by those who feared the democratic process that was underway in Rwanda.
Most of the arguments that led to the international lynching of the late President Juvénal Habyarimana and
most of the Rwandan people were the result of a set-up by this clique, which had infiltrated not only all the country’s political and military authorities but also the civil society that was emerging in Rwanda.
All the RPF’s atrocities, whether the political destabilisation of Burundi, the large-scale assassinations in Rwanda, the plundering of other people’s property inside and outside the country, or the plundering of natural
resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Southern Africa and the Central African Republic, were all part of the same “mirror accusation” of the future victim and camouflage of its role as the real executioner.
All the crimes falsely attributed to the Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda, which are echoed by civil society and international media, have been committed by Paul Kagame’s regime and/or his henchmen whom he has placed in various international bodies for this purpose.
The intelligence services of Canada, Great Britain, Belgium, Australia and the United States of America, to name but a few, can testify to this. Their archives are quite well documented.
The Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda are and can only be an initiative to safeguard and protect the survivors of those left behind by the international community at the instigation of their executioner, the RPF-
Inkotanyi led by Paul Kagame.
The large-scale massacres of children, women, young people and the not-so-young that have spread as far as Mbandaka (DRC) by Kagame’s soldiers would not have stopped if this salutary initiative by the FDLR had not
taken place.
The mirror accusations that Paul Kagame uses and abuses, as in the “Rwindi” case, a case that took place on Ugandan territory and whose unequivocal legal conclusions were established by one of the most reliable courts
in the USA, as well as his perpetual interference in third countries, should no longer be tolerated by the international community.
The arrogance and supremacist overtones that lead Paul Kagame and his regime to call out model states in terms of democracy and respect for human rights, such as the United States of America, is a scandal that makes
Rwandans and neighbouring countries uncomfortable, as they know these fascists very well, given their more than murky role in the various crimes that have been committed in the Great Lakes Region of Africa since
1986, when they joined Museveni’s NRA rebellion in Uganda.
Paul Kagame’s position of blackmail and lecturing must quickly come to an end if we are to avoid reliving the horrors of fear and desolation of innocent people in the Great Lakes Region of Africa and possibly the whole of Africa.
The Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda, let it be said once and for all, are not a terrorist organisation; it has never terrorised anyone, as the spokesman for Paul Kagame’s fascist RPF-Inkotanyi regime in Kigali claims.
The only terror that exists in the African Great Lakes Region is that exercised by a clique of people who use “variable geometry” argumentation to give meaning to the unjustifiable.
The only terror that exists in the African Great Lakes Region is that exercised by a clique of people who use “variable geometry” arguments to make sense of the unjustifiable genocide that has been going on in the
Democratic Republic of Congo since 1996, a genocide that was documented in the Mapping Report by United Nations experts in 2010. The terror in the region is that of the assassination of three presidents: Juvénal HABYARIMANA of Rwanda, Cyprien NTARYAMIRA of Burundi and Laurent-Désiré KABILA of the DRC.
It is the same terror that gravedigged the Rwandan clergy in 1994, murdered more than 8,000 civilians in the IDP camps at Kibeho in southern Rwanda, killed Seth SENDASHONGA, Théoneste LIZINDE, Patrick KAREGEYA, KIZITO MIHIGO and many others.
The terrorist organisation is the one that imprisons members of the RWIGARA Assinapol family and kills a good number of them, the one that imprisons all real or supposed political opponents such as Mrs Victoire UMUHOZA, Paul RUSESABAGINA and even foreign lawyers such as the American Peter ERLINDER. It is also the one pushing its people into endless wars in neighbouring countries.
The Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda call on the authorities of the United States to disqualify the clique that is in power in Rwanda by withdrawing all support and/or confidence it has enjoyed for more than
three decades and to distance itself once and for all from the accomplices who continue to gravitate around Kagame.
The Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda offer to the International Community and to any natural or legal person, their availability for value-added actions aimed at establishing lasting peace in the African Great Lakes
Done on 24 February 2024
Information commissionner and FDLR Spokesperson